SMY-10A Computer and Random Pulse Acupuncture Treatment Instrument is a type of electronic acupuncture treatment instrument combining micro-computer technique with Chinese medical acupuncture Jingluo system. The applicable scope of the instrument is to supply low frequency pulse treatment for human body’s point.
- Output Pulse Road : 10 outputs
- Output Peak voltage value: ≦ 65V (Load 500W)
- Output CON.WAVE pulse Frequency, 1-99 Hz adjustable.
- Output random pulse frequency set up in 1-99 Hz freely, the random pulse changes scope is 25% of the set up value.
- Pulse Width: 0.22ms, errors ≦± 30% of the output required
- Power : AC220V± 20V or AC110V±10V or DC9V
- Input Power: 10VA
- Volume : 256(L) X 185(W) X 115(H) mm3
- Weight : 1.5 KgAccessories:
Ten pieces of output electrode wires
Ten pairs of self-adhesive electrode (size: 50 mm X 50 mm)
Ten pairs of Filiform needle-electrode (Metal clamp), (size: ≦28 mm)
One user manual
One carrying case
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